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with Fonts Ninja

How to use Fonts Ninja application

2 Copy and launch the app

When the download is complete, open it and drag the Fonts Ninja app to the application folder. Then launch Fonts Ninja from the application folder.

3 Enjoy fonts!

You’re ready to try any fonts in every design!
You can also download our free browser extension to identify font on any website and try them right away.

How to use Fonts Ninja browser extension

2 Install the extension and reboot

It’s important to reboot your browser for the extension to work. If you don’t, tabs opened before the installation won’t be able to use Fonts Ninja extension.

3 Activate and inspect

Click on the Fonts Ninja logo in your browser to activate the extension. You can then roll over any texts to identify the font.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does Fonts Ninja works on any websites?

    The browser extension will work on any websites (contact us if you have any issue with a website). However, you will only be able to test fonts from foundries we partnered with.

  • Is Fonts Ninja legal?

    It is :) We only let you try fonts foundries agreed on. Also, using Fonts Ninja let you try as many fonts as you want, but you or your client still have to buy licenses (desktop, webfonts, etc…). If you have any licenses questions, please take it to foundries as it could change from one foundry to another.

  • Does Fonts Ninja replace font licenses?

    It does not. We want to make it as easy and efficient as possible for you to create with fonts, but you’ll still need to buy licenses when your client has agreed on a font for a design.

  • Do you plan on adding new foundries?

    We are always adding more fonts and foundries, if you're looking for a specific font, contact us.

  • What are the system requirements?

    Fonts Ninja runs on macOS X (v10.14 minimum) and Windows (v10 minimum). It also requires an internet connection.